We all know vitamin D as the cheapest vitamin…after all it’s free from the sun right? But do we all know that many Australians are deficient in vitamin D? The Australian Bureau of statistics stated that for 2014 one out four adult Australians are deficient in Vitamin D. That’s a lot considering we live in a country with a lot of sun. So what is the problem?

It comes down to a few factors. Many of us just don’t get out into the sun,…we are busy working and when we are off lazing around, we stay indoors, or we cover up if it’s cold or we apply sunscreen if it’s hot! We may not eat the right types of food that contain Vitamin D such as dairy, eggs and oily fish. Does it really matter you ask? YES!!

Vit D 2

Without adequate Vitamin D we cannot absorb our calcium properly putting us at risk long term of weakening our bones. Low Vitamin D has also been linked with low mood, anxiety, and poor immunity.

So if you think you might be at risk of low Vitamin D, go and sit out in the afternoon sun for a minute, consider getting a Vit D test, and then come and chat to your Naturopath (me!) about the best type of Vitamin D supplement for you.

Don’t forget the kids, they need adequate Vit D to make sure they grow up with healthy bones that will last a lifetime!

Vitamin D comes in capsules, liquid and sprays so there is a type to suit everyone.

If you would like to chat about Vitamin D and your lifestyle, please leave a comment below or call me at the Centre on 02 4226 4740.

Kara Belgrove