According to recent Australian statistics 15 percent of women and 3 percent of men over the age of 50 suffer from osteoporosis. Fortunately there is a great deal you can do to protect your bones and reduce your risk of osteoporosis.

Bones are at their strongest at around age 30 and thereafter their strength begins to decline. Maintaining bone strength is extremely important to prevent your bones becoming weak and brittle and to prevent osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis is a serious condition where the bones become weak and brittle leading to a higher risk of fractures. This occurs when they lose minerals such as calcium faster than the body can replace them resulting in bones that become porous. Brittle bones can easily be broken in a fall or even doing every day activities. Osteoporosis is often called the silent disease as there are often no signs or symptoms that bones are thinning until a fracture occurs. However it’s not only broken bones that are of concern, as reduced bone density can lead to significant pain, immobility, and loss of independence.

There are some factors that significantly increase your risk of developing osteoporosis. These include smoking, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, not getting enough sunlight, leading a sedentary lifestyle, and eating a diet low in calcium.

CALCIUM is a vital mineral required for the formation of strong bones. Calcium can be found in some foods such as dairy, almonds, and tahini. However many people do not get their recommended intake of daily calcium from their diet. If you are one of those people consider taking a calcium supplement containing calcium hydroxyapatite.

If you need a calcium supplement keep in mind that all calcium supplements are not created equal. Hydroxyapatite is a form of calcium that has been found to be most beneficial over other forms of calcium in being absorbed well and aiding in the management of osteoporosis. Other nutrients are also important when considering bone health. Vitamin D is required for the absorption of calcium. It is needed for proper growth and development of bones. Magnesium is also vital as the correct levels of magnesium are needed to ensure utilisation of calcium in the growth of the bone tissue. Vitamin K helps to regulate calcium movement into the bones.

A quality supplement will contain all of these nutrients together.

Other lifestyle factors that will help you look after your bone health.

* Eat a diet rich in calcium including dairy, almonds, buckwheat, egg yolk, green leafy veg and sardines.

* Quit smoking

* Decrease your alcohol intake

* Make sure you get some mild sun exposure, just 10 to 15 minutes most days to increase your vitamin D production.

There is a great deal you can do to support your bones and help prevent osteoporosis, even if your bone mineral density has already started to decline. Change your diet and lifestyle if you need to, and take the best quality supplement available to your body. That way you can enjoy your lifestyle as you age with strong, healthy bones.

For more information or to book an appointment, please contact me on 02 4226 4740

Kara BelgroveNaturopath