Most of us get coughs and colds from time to time but there are times when we can’t seem to remember the last time we were actually well. For some of us we seem to struggle from one infection to another, with barely a break in between, feeling permanently unwell. Chronic infections can leave you feeling terrible with muscle aches, lowered immunity and exhaustion.

Seeing a naturopath can help you take the right steps toward being well again.

It takes a strong immune system to overcome persistent infections. The following herbs and nutrients help to boost your immunity and support your recovery.

Medicinal mushrooms such as cordyceps, coriolus, and reishi are all potent immune enhancers for chronic or recurring infections.

Astragalus is a herb that possesses anti viral activity and assists in the prevention and treatment of recurring infections.

Zinc helps reduce the severity and duration of colds and flus, however it is a nutrient that we are often deficient in.

Vitamin D aids in regulating the immune system. A surprisingly high number of Australians have inadequate Vitamin D levels.

Vitamin A, C, and E are all beneficial for supporting healthy immunity.

The Gut – Immune connection

In order to have a healthy, thriving immune system, you need to ensure your digestive system is also healthy. 70% of your immune system is found in your gut and the microflora or healthy bacteria play a vital role. Probiotics (healthy bacteria) can boost your immune system and aid in your return to good health.

The journey to wellness can take time. If your body has been struggling with chronic infection for a a prolonged period then it will need support for a while to be able to return fully to good health. The longer you have been sick, the longer it may take for you to become well again. Supplementing with herbs and nutrients are likely to make you feel relief from many of your symptoms quite quickly but persisting with them for a slightly longer period of time will mean your body can return to full health and no longer be vulnerable to all passing bugs and infections and you can start to remember how it feels to live life at 100% again.

If you would like to talk more about your journey to wellness, please leave a comment below or contact me on 02 4226 4740.

Kara Belgrove