It’s official everyone, after a glorious Autumn, Winter is finally here and it’s bought a big cold change with it.

As the weather gets colder many of us end up with the dreaded cold or flu as houseguests.

You know how it goes,…one person comes home with a sniffle and before you know it, you are nursing a household of sick, and cranky people, only to end up with it yourself just as you run out of energy and sick days from work.

If you would like to try and minimise this experience in your household this Winter, read on for some great healthy winter tips.

There are a long list of nutrients and supplements that can help you ward off winter illnesses, here are the most effective ones.

Zinc and Vitamin C are fantastic at providing your immune system with the ammunition they need to protect you from daily exposure to coughs and colds. Zinc and C can be purchased as tablets or as a powder and easily added to fresh juices or smoothies for easy absorption. Alternatively Zinc lozenges are a great way to deliver Zinc right where it is most needed for a sore throat.

Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, is vital for your immune system to work properly. Many of us think we are getting enough but the reality may be that with shorter days of sunshine and long working hours a lot of people are not getting nearly enough exposure to the sun to ensure their vitamin D levels. Vitamin D can be found in capsule form, liquid drops or even an easy mouth spray.

Herbal medicine has long been taken to reduce the severity and length of a cold. Well known herbs include Echinacea, garlic, thyme and elderberry. Herbal formulas are available in convenient tablet form or can be tailored for individual needs in liquid form by your naturopath.

Don’t forget the basics…..

~ Strengthen your immune defences by eating well, enjoy a well balanced diet including meat, fish, nuts, seeds, fruit and vegetables.

~ Avoid mucus-producing foods such as highly refined foods and dairy.

~ Avoid foods low in nutrients such as white flour and sugar.

~ Drink enough water to stay well hydrated.

~ Exercise regularly.

~ Get a good night’s sleep to allow your body to be refreshed each day.

Remember Winter should be a fun season, full of bush walking, bike riding and curling up in front of the heater, stay well this winter and enjoy it!

If you would like further information about ways in which you can keep your body healthy this winter feel free to contact me.

Enjoy your winter, Kara.

P.S. Don’t forget to check out our immune boosting recipe featured this month.