Immune Health

Someone brings home the flu again, and all of a sudden you are counting days until you get sick again too,…is that how your story goes in your family?

It’s an awful place to be, being part of a never ending cycle of constantly looking after the others in your family who are sick and then falling sick yourself until you all end up exhausted. Not to mention the days off work, preschool and school.

Break the cycle and come in and talk to me about the nutrients your body needs to maintain a healthy immune system.

It’s not enough to eat reasonably healthy most of the time and have the odd chewable Vitamin C. Your body needs Zinc, iron, high quality vitamin C and Vitamin D to maintain a healthy immune system. Herbal medicine and simple natural therapy remedies can also help to break the cycle by optimising your immune response.

There are herbal remedies and nutritional supplements suitable for every age in your family.

Also, check out my recipe for boosting immune health over winter in my blog section.

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Children laying on grass. Family picnic in spring park